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Here we aim to answer your questions around our 

l awn treatment programs, but if you have anymore in mind,

please don't hesitate to contact us!

What does Norfolk Lawn Care offer?

Norfolk Lawn Care aim to keep your lawn at its BEST all year round with a tailored treatment plan, specific to your lawn, using precision applied fertilisers and herbicides.

I have weeds  in my lawn, can Norfolk Lawn Care remove them?

A beautiful lawn is a weed-free lawn. Norfolk Lawn Care can apply a selective broadleaf herbicide spray to your lawn to control weeds in the grass.

How soon will I be able to see the fertiliser treatment work?

They will act quite quickly and you should see the benefits within 7-10 days following application, depending on ground moisture. The benefits of the treatment last for between 2-3 months after which time Norfolk Lawn Care will carry out the next planned part of the program.

What is the best advice following weed treatment?

The herbicides Norfolk Lawn Care use are systemic, they work down from leaf to root, so we ask that you leave mowing your lawn for at least 3 days after application. Norfolk Lawn Care will advise you when the herbicide treatments will be taking place.

Are Norfolk Lawn Care products safe for children and pets?

As a general rule, a couple of hours after application our products are safe for children and pets. Your local Norfolk Lawn Care specialist will let you know exactly what products they have used on your lawn and why.

I enjoy gardening myself, so why use Norfolk Lawn Care?

At Norfolk Lawn Care we can help you get the most out of your lawn, so you’ll enjoy taking care of it more. Your Lawn Care treatment plan is designed specifically for your lawn so you will be involved every step of the way.

Do I need to water the lawn after application?

It is not essential if there is a good dew about, your lawn will not be scorched by the treatments if it does not rain. However, to get the best from these treatments in a dry spell it is advisable to water within 48hrs of treating. Norfolk Lawn Care will advise you on the day of treatment.

I have moss in my lawn, how does Norfolk Lawn Care deal with it?

Moss lives and survives on lawns for a number of reasons such as:

- Lawns that are compacted and have poor drainage.

- Lawns with a low percentage coverage of grass.

- Lawns laid on infertile and badly structured soils.

It is therefore important that a program of moss controllers and aeration is carried out. The first kills the existing moss growth; the second helps prevent its immediate return. Scarification will then need to be carried out to remove the dead material and avoid a thatch build up. Moss suppression is included as part of the Norfolk Lawn Care yearly program.

I have thatch in my lawn, how does Norfolk Lawn Care deal with it?

Thatch is made up of a fibrous material of grass cuttings, leaves, moss and other organic substances. It builds up naturally over time. Its presence retards the growth of your grass, giving the lawn an unhealthy look and allowing disease to enter the lawn.

To remove thatch, Norfolk Lawn Care will carry out a scarifying program whereby the existing thatch is removed with the use of a professional scarifier. Solid or hollow-tine aeration is then carried out to help slow the future build up of thatch. This allows air, water and nutrients to reach those areas where it is most needed, producing a much healthier deep rooting lawn.

Are Norfolk Lawn Care operatives trained?

At Norfolk Lawn Care we are trained to NPTC standards and are fully insured.

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